Tuesday, June 28, 2011

To buy or to wait, that is the question...

Ok, I feel it’s only fair to warn you, this is going to be a ranting post...

I am stuck in a quandary. I, like so many other women, am somewhat dissatisfied with my body. I’m right on the line between normal and overweight BMI-wise, and I want to bring that down a bit, not a huge amount, just 15-20 lbs. tops.

I recently acquired a Wii Fit Plus setup, and I’ve been working at daily exercise for over a week now (a first for me, I’ve never had anything like a regular exercise routine before in my life) and, as is to be expected, my weight hasn’t really changed at all yet, but I’m hoping that with a slightly more restricted diet (no more cupcakes, damn it!) and daily exercise to work my way down that scale in a slow, healthy, maintainable way.

And then there’s my wardrobe. I have only very recently taken a slight interest in fashion, although I like to think of it more as style than fashion. I have no inclination to buy and wear things just because they’re ‘in’, but I have attained a greater appreciation for coordinating things and wearing outfits that make me look and feel good. I am currently in that awkward post-grad phase where most of my clothing is super casual and not very office-appropriate. Add to that the fact that the majority of items that I own are either thrifted, hand-me-downs, or things I’ve had for a very, very long time (seriously, the only shorts I own I bought in 8th grade, etc.) because I’ve seen no need to get rid of things that are still in good condition and fit relatively well. All of this makes for a very strange, random, and difficult-t0-maneuver wardrobe. Add to this my fairly recent climate change due to a cross-state move, and I think you’ll agree that it’s time for some wardrobe upgrades.

So what’s the problem, you might ask? Well, I’m having trouble reconciling myself to these two dissimilar ideas. Do I put off buying new things and getting rid of things that are too small until I’ve (hopefully) reached my weight-loss goal? Or do I go out and buy things to fit me now and try to be happy and contented with my body the way it is?

Both of these options have pros and cons. Waiting ‘till I’ve lost the weight means not wasting money and being able to pull things out of retirement to wear again. However, I find that I am less inclined to follow my own rules when I feel frumpy (I only have 2 pairs of pants at the moment. Who can live like that?) which stunts my weight loss progression.

Or option two, I go out and buy a bunch of stuff which makes me feel fabulous and raises my spirits, and my determination to look even better (and halts the stressed and sad eating) and suddenly all of those fabulous new clothes don’t fit anymore! Of course, for some items, this would mean a few simple alterations (at least once I get a decent sewing machine), but for others (PANTS) it would probably mean having to buy things all over again.

Of course there is the possible middle path of only buying a few supplementary items to bridge the gap between now and skinny, things which I know I can alter easily, etc. This is what I’ve been trying to do, but every time I find myself at a store, I’m paralyzed by the same thought: Why should I buy more fat clothes? I should be spending this time and energy exercising! 

Of course this could be partially solved by the presence of a sewing machine (I recently gave the one I was borrowing from my step mom up as a bad job, it was destroying everything I tried to make with it) which would mean being able to buy things that didn’t fit perfectly and make them work for me. 

Hmm, maybe that’s my answer! I’ll buy a decent sewing machine, and then I’ll be too busy making awesome things to do any stress-eating whatsoever!

Thoughts, anyone?

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